I often find myself on the Savio meme pages. Let's take a look at a few:
1. Handbooks
I do read it quite a bit. We do some massive updating each summer.
2. Airpods
I'm an Android user myself. I do think of the Airpod memes everything students walk past me wearing their earbuds (against the handbook, by the way).3. Caaaw!
Dr. Garcia started the noise. I don't do it as well.
4. Let it Go
Well, yes. I was the one with the microphone and tiara.
5. Blue Shirt/Gold Tie
Thank you. I think I look pretty good as well.
6. Saturated
Because one time I said that the grass was saturated with rainwater.
7. Lunch
There's a lot of lunch memes about me. Yes, I walk up and join conversations. I'm a socially awkward person, but it's allowed when you are an administrator.
8. Doors
If you go through the wrong doors, I will find you and I will stop you.
9. History
I don't know. Also, apparently my name no longer has a Z.
Alright! First post in years.