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Adventure Time

 In an earlier post, I referred to a hobby that Mrs. Goertz and I are particular to. We call it "Adventure Time" (no relation to the show, which I don't actually care for). The premise is simple:

  1. Pick a destination somewhere in Texas.
  2. Start driving.
  3. If you see something along the way that sparks your interest, do that instead.
We try to set aside a Saturday each month to do this. It works best if the initial destination is no more than 4 hours away (you do have to drive back again).

There are a few things that makes this pastime more enjoyable:
  • A companion (I prefer my wife)
  • A book (the passenger can read out loud) or an audiobook
  • Downloaded music or satellite radio (you might end up in areas without cell signal and only country stations)
  • A State Park annual pass (This is only $70 in Texas and gets everyone in your car into the park for free). There are 88 State Parks in Texas, although we've only visited 51 so far.
We've been doing this for over 10 years now (although sometimes we miss a month or two). Here are some of the interesting things out there that you might not have seen.

Varner Hogg Plantation (3 hours Southeast)

The moss on the trees is amazing

My grandfather donated pecans to this exhibit

On the way check out...The Painted Churches

There's a very peaceful bird blind on the trail

If you take backroads, you might get stopped by a herd of sheep.

On the way check out... The Science Mill

Old Taylor High (30 minutes East)

This one is pretty cool. They turned the old school into a hipster mall.

On the way check out... The Hutto Hippo statues

Tyler Rose Garden (3 hours 30 minutes Northeast)

It smells great if you visit at the right time of year.

Apparently, half of the rose bushes for sale in the US come from Tyler.

On the way check out... The Hearne Depot

The Big Tree (3 hours 30 minutes South)

It's a really big oak tree that may be 2000 years old.

On the way check out...Palmetto State Park

These are just suggestions. Remember, the true spirit of Adventure Time is to not be so set in your plan that you don't venture off the path.


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